AdonisJS: simple user registration and authentication setup. AdonisJS provides a few different approaches to validate your request form data.
The proper way to handle Request Validation
We will use the Validation continually, we can either use it inside the controller’s method or create a Validator class to validate the incoming requests.
So, in this article, we will provide how to use the validations properly. And we will create an API for the user registration form.
Firstly, we create a new AdonisJS project using the npm package manager.
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npm init adonis-ts-app@latest hello-world
We already published an article for CRUD in AdonisJS, so you can read first our previous article on How to set up CRUD in AdonisJS.
Secondly, we create a controller and add a register method for user authentication.
node ace make:controller User
The controller will be created at app/Controllers/Http/UsersController.ts
And add the register method inside the app controller
import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext' export default class UsersController { /** * * Other methods ... * **/ public async register({ request }: HttpContextContract) { } }
So, now we can create a validator class and define its parameters
node ace make:validator RegisterUser
In this case, the validator class will be created at app/Validators/RegisterUserValidator.ts and it will look like as below:
import { schema, CustomMessages, rules } from "@ioc:Adonis/Core/Validator"; import type { HttpContextContract } from "@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext"; export default class RegisterUserValidator { constructor(protected ctx: HttpContextContract) {} public schema = schema.create({}); public messages: CustomMessages = {}; }
constructor: method accept HTTP context variable
scheme used to define parameter rules
messages: used to define our custom messages
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Now we need to add the rules:
public schema = schema.create({ name: schema.string({ trim: true }), email: schema.string([, rules.unique({ table: "users", column: "email" }), ]), password: schema.string([rules.minLength(6)]), });
To access the full list of rules go to the official AdonisJS documentation
Next, we can add our custom messages to the defined rules and you can leave them empty as well and AdonisJS will print default messages
public messages = { "name.required": "Name is required", "email.required": "Email is required", "": "Email is invalid", "email.unique": "Email already exists", "password.required": "Password is required", "password.minLength": "Password must be at least 6 characters", };
Finally, our validator class will look like this below:
import { schema, CustomMessages, rules } from "@ioc:Adonis/Core/Validator"; import type { HttpContextContract } from "@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext"; export default class RegisterUserValidator { constructor(protected ctx: HttpContextContract) {} public schema = schema.create({ name: schema.string({ trim: true }), email: schema.string([, rules.unique({ table: "users", column: "email" }), ]), password: schema.string([rules.minLength(6)]), }); public messages = { "name.required": "Name is required", "email.required": "Email is required", "": "Email is invalid", "email.unique": "Email already exists", "password.required": "Password is required", "password.minLength": "Password must be at least 6 characters", }; }
Back to Controller
Now, we will use the defined validator class inside our app controller
public async register({ request, response }: HttpContextContract) { // Payload returns the validated data const payload = await request.validate(RegisterUserValidator); const user = await User.create(payload); return response.json(user); }
And finally, we will define the routes for register"/register", "UsersController.register");
All are done!!!
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