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Fully Managed Cloud Hosting

Our Fully Managed Cloud Hosting persistently monitors your applications resource usage and allocates them naturally as indicated with the load changes. You just need to choose the servers with the necessary stacks and set the maximum limits you are happy with; the rest is done consequently by the programmed automatic vertical scaling. In addition to this, the platform can repeatedly levels horizontally as well, adding nodes and changing the number of servers inside a layer based on the current burden level. Your next load spike will never be upsetting again.

Eelecting the Managed Cloud Hosting would costs you a little more than you spend on the traditional hosting solutions, but it would be a worth. Whether a small-sized business or a big organization, hosting is one of the significant elements of running a business site. Frequently, hosting solutions neglect to provide the uptime, cling to the solicitation or secured data. The entirety of this records for the deficiency of business and thus, selecting the right hosting platform is significant. Guarantee that you accurately evaluate your requirements, research your choices well and pick the best Cloud Hosting service provider who offers both versatility and reliability, CloudSurph provides the both.

Self Managed

Fully Managed

Fully Managed Network Infrastructure
Fully Managed Hardware
Physical Data Centers
Level 3 Technicians On-site 24/7/365
System Level Health Monitoring and Graphing
System Level Monitoring Alerts & Notifications
100% Uptime SLA on These Items
Installation and Full Support of Core Software Package
Core Operating System Updates & Patches
Security Enhancements
Full Web Server Support including Apache (Linux)
Proactive Response & Restoration of Monitoring Events
Virus and Spam Protection
Free External Migrations**
Full Control Panel Support
Control Panel Updates and Patches


Get In Touch

If you’re having trouble, the first place to look for help is on our support page. We’re Always Happy, to Hear from You LiveChat, Telephone or Email — Let us know what we can do for you!