Installing Laravel via Composer on Linux:
Laravel is a web framework it is used for building web apps.
we’re looking at a basic on how to set up Laravel on a Linux computer we’re going to be making use of Ubuntu 19.0 4 first we need to do is on your computer open your terminal The first step is to type ~$ Sudo apt-get update
After that, the next thing we need to do is get PHP installed on our computer is type
The next Software we need to get installed is the CURL
We will get that Installed as well as this
Zip get an install.
Now let’s get the composer on the computer
We need to move the given below:
You know folks process from any point of our computer.
We do that being said composer after we can type composer.
And we get a confirmation message a composer has successfully install on your computer
And the next process we need to do is the installation of Laravel on your computer so the next step is that we simply need to type the command
you must understand that most of these commands are not coming on from the top of my head, for example:
The Laravel installation command can be found on the official Laravel website ever does come to check the documentation.
You scroll down you see the installation server requirements installation guide.
Now as we are done with Installing Laravel, the next thing we need to do is edit the parts of the operating system do that by typing
After typing that the file will appear you have to type there
export PATH=”$PATH:$HOME/.config/composer/vendor/bin”
Control-x to save yes save that and then type
~$ source ~/.bashrc
If we run Laravel as a command we get the Laravel installation prompt that’s mean we have successfully installed Laravel so we navigate get our desktop
~$ cd Desktop
~/Desktop$ Laravel new blog
And see your Laravel run our well new road
Now install PHP7.2 by typing the command that is below:
The next file we need to install is PHP it with 7.2 XML it will allow us to read and manipulate XML files 7.2 by typing
~$ Sudo apt-get install php7.2-XML
We get that installed and after installation sometimes there an error occurs you will resolve it by typing a command for composer update.
~/Desktop/blog$ composer update
So after this command, you will get the composer files updated.
Now while that is happening you can move the block folder press “control H” to show hidden files all you have to do is just rename the “.env.example” file to “.env” after that type a command
~/Desktop/blog$ PHP artisan ser.
After that, you will see a Laravel server started link click on it.
After that, you will see a message of a missing key.
At that time, what you have to do is just copy, generate your application encryption key and paste it on your terminal.
After that, you will get a link click on it the page will open after refreshing the page you will get a brand- new Laravel installation like the one given below.