Beginners who involve in Linux mostly get confused at selecting which version of Linux they should install. There are so many exclusive flavors of the software that it can sometimes be overwhelming to new users.

Well, this information takes a look at some of the most frequent Linux systems to use. Most often, these versions of Linux are presents for installation from VPS such as DigitalOcean, permitting you to installation them freshly and out of the box. If you are just interested in enjoying around with Linux, it may be an appropriate idea to set up an account and create your own VPS with Linux installed so you can practice the commands.

You may additionally interested in installing Linux on a partition of your hard disk and dual-boot. Whilst doing this is beyond this guide, you may find it beneficial to search on how to do this as it will permit you to get a feel for each exclusive version of Linux.


Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating system. It’s presently one of the most generally installed versions of Linux, frequently being the default setup for most Linux setups. It’s additionally hugely famous with VPS due to its ease of access.

Ubuntu is excellent for beginners due to the fact there are lots of resources for learning about it. The Ubuntu community, a dedicated forum, permits users of the system to post their beginner questions as well as complicated ones for those with the technical know-how.


We mentioned Ubuntu, which is based totally on the Debian Linux Operating system. This is personally my favorite, however, the difference between Debian and Ubuntu is quite minimal. They both use comparable apt-get commands for installing and managing programs and both have excellent vibrant communities.

If you’re setting up a VPS, DigitalOcean offers the latest Debian version (Jesse) to install out the box. If you want to download Debian then you can download it from their official website:

The Debian community offers a lot of guidance from their tutorials and tips, which are available on their website.


This is another version of Linux I like is Fedora. It is totally on innovating and maintaining the list of packages up-to-date (unlike other versions where you often have months of out-of-date software listed). Fedora versions have short-life spans, with more modern versions usually introduces and support for older ones discontinued.

One factor that makes Fedora excellent is its strategy to Security: it uses something known as security-enhanced-Linux (also known as Sellinux) which aims to keep the system as secure as possible.

If you prefer to know more about Fedora, take a look at their Wikipedia page.


Ultimately, what version of Linux you decide to use is up to you; each version has its advantages so I recommend trying out a few and seeing which one you like best. If you are just learning to use Linux by the command terminal or SSH, learning the exclusive commands for every system can sometimes be overwhelming, however, once you get a grasp on the basics like (ls, cd, mkdir, etc) you will find it lots easier. If you want to buy $1VPS hosting and a cheap dedicated server then going to be the best choice for you.

I hope this information gives you a small insight into Linux!