In this article, we will explain the idea behind JavaScript How to Get Selected Text from a Textbox, How to Get Selected Text from a Textbox using JavaScript, JavaScript Get Selected Text from a Textbox.

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So, now if you need to get the selected text from a textbox in JavaScript, you can use the selectionStart and selectionEnd properties of the textbox element.


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Here’s an example function that demonstrates how to get the selected text from a textbox:

function getSelectedText(textbox) {
var startIndex = textbox.selectionStart;
var endIndex = textbox.selectionEnd;
var selectedText = textbox.value.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
return selectedText;

This function takes in a textbox element as its parameter, and returns the selected text as a string.

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Here, the selectionStart property returns the index of the first selected character. Also, the selectionEnd property returns the index of the character after the last selected character.

So, we can then use the substring method of the textbox’s value property to extract the selected text from the textbox.

To use this function, you can simply pass in the textbox element that you want to get the selected text from, like so:

var myTextbox = document.getElementById('my-textbox');
var selectedText = getSelectedText(myTextbox);

In this example, we assume that there is a textbox element with an id of my-textbox on the page. The getSelectedText function is called with myTextbox as its parameter, and the selected text is logged to the console.

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